Tuesday 28 August 2012

I dont know whether its right or wrong. Alhamdulillah Allah hi dene wala hai.

Assalam-o-Alaikum wr wbrkt!

If you have spiritual problems,
Need Amulets, Taweez, having Jadu  Black magic,  Jinns,problem in marriage, fights in married life,
husband-wife clashes, money blockage, joblessness,bad  dreamings,feared of jinns, cant
sleep or if you are suffered with any related problem,be satisfied, be patience and be Happy!

We are here to help you just like a spiritual Doctor and Allah will give you the Shifa -Health.

1, We Deal in Jinn cases.
2, jadu,tona,taweez, amulets
3, bandish, Blockage in proposals,jobs,kids etc
4, Dam,Darud,Taweez,Amal etc. 
We Use Ilm-ul-adad ,ilm-ul-naqsh,ilm-ul-falkiyat,Amliyat etc  to Help you,and we use Quranic

verses for muslims and digits for non-muslims for theirspiritual  Cure.
Alhamdulillah we helped a lot of patients with the Help of Allah sunhanhu talla.and we do this all with the Islamic Laws, we never gave anybody a thing out ofislam or having clash with islam and never we did Shirk,

Its all pure,effective and responsive.Rest is On ALLAH s.w.t.you may visit our website:

www.amilonline.tkor mail us at: umar347@gmail.comand call us at:urdu, Hindku,Punjabi speakers
call at: Mufti Shabbir Ahmad Usmani  sahib 0092-300-5105258and for Arabic, English speakers call at:Malik M Umar Awan0092 314 5144976

We are searching for gud people both male/female, who are interested to learn allthe above things.so for online learning you plz visiti: www.learnalquran.tk or
call and mail at above addresses.Jazakumullahu Khair wa  ahsan Al Jaza.In minor Cases its free and Fe-sabeelIllah and in Big Deals we charge according tothe Case and Patient.May Allah Bless
All of Us and Keep us safe of all Magical-problems.
Allahumma Amin Ya RAb.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

  • Stories mentioned in the Qur'an of their prophets
"We gave him Isaac, and Jacob: all We guided and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny David, Solomon, Ayub, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron :Thus do We reward those who do good. And Zakariya and Yahya, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of righteous. And Isma'il and Elisha and Jonah (Yunus) and Lut. And to all we gave favour above the nations." <Qur'an An'am 6:84-86>
The Qur'an contains many stories of the prophets sent to Bani Israel. We can read about the story of the rise of Daud (pbuh), who was the King of the Israelites , particularly of Saul's fight with Goliath (jalut) and Goliath's death at the hands of Daud (pbuh).The war broke out between the Israelites and the Philistines. The army of the Philistines was commanded by Goliath who was a man of lofty stature. The Israelites were overawed to see Goliath's army which was well accoutred. Daud (pbuh) called out his opponents to combat but none of the Israelites had the courage to accept the challenge. 

The people of Bani Israel had no courage, and the Prophet Daud could not bear this disgrace. So he decided to face Goliath for the sake of truth, honour and dignity. His story reveals that justice is an essential part of faith and, further, that God loves the just and abhors the unjust.
Also we know that Daud's yougest son, Prophet Sulaimán (pbuh) was a wise King. His efforts to first subdue the powerful Queen of Sheba and later to persuade her to take the right path also find a place in the Qur'an.

Similarly, the story of Zakariya (pbuh) and his son Yahya (John the Baptist) (pbuh) , and their unbounded faith in God and His Mercy. Zakariya (pbuh) was an illustrious prophet of the Israelites. He was one of the descendants of Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh). His people was so corrupted that he was desirous of having a son to become his good successor, in order to maintain the warmth of religious activities. His teaching had not only been ignored by the people of Bani Israel, but they also tortured him. The Holy Book mentions the cruel acts of Bani Israel saying : "Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah and slay the Prophets wrongfully and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity, promise him a painful doom."
<Qur'an Al-Imran 3:21>

The story of Musa (pbuh) when he went to the mountain, is an other example.The Prophet Musa (pbuh) was much grieved to know that his followers had become addicted to praying to the cow instead of Allah. Whenever his brother Prophet Harun (pbuh) forbade them to do so, they made fun of him, and tortured him. Musa (pbuh) tried hard to uproot this form of idolatry from the hearts of the Israelites. Some men who had gone astray, repented but most of them insisted on worshipping a cow. 

Musa (pbuh) said to his people: "Surely, Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow." <Qur'an Baqara 2: 71> Gifted with patience, he kept on conveying to the people the message of God to his people.

"O Children of Israel! Call to mind My favour which I bestowed on you and that I preferred you to all others (for my Message) <Qur'an Baqara 2:47>
The history of Bani Israel is full of favors from Allah and their constant ungratefulness to Him. The Qur'an (sura Baqara 40-108) contains a huge list of charges of crimes from Allah against their misdeeds. They never fulfilled their covenant with Allah and so “disgrace and homelessness" was destined for them as a mark of punishment from Allah.
  • Characteristics of the Children of Israel
The Children of Israel liked to spread mischief and corruption on earth and strived hard to accomplish this "...they (ever) strive to make mischief on earth. And Allah does not like the Mufsidun (mischief-makers)." <Qur'an Maida 5:65> They refused to carry out the orders of the many prophets sent to them because they were afraid of death and too attached to this world. "But they will never seek for death, on account of the sins which their hands have sent on before them" <Qur'an Baqara 2:95>

God mentions how the Children of Israel rebelled and disobeyed the Command of Allah, and how they became extremely arrogant.
They were people of indignity, disobedience and transgression as stated by God in the Holy Book: "Indignity is put over them wherever they may be, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah, and from men; they have drawn on themselves the Wrath of Allah, and destruction is put over them. This is because they disbelieved in the Ayats (evidences) of Allah and killed the Prophets without right. This is because they disobeyed (Allah) and used to transgress beyond bounds (in Allah's disobedience, crimes and sins)" 
<Qur'an Al-Imran 3:112>
They were people of cowardliness, dismay and weakness.
They have returned to mischief by disbelieving in the last Messenger, by covering his characteristics that are mentioned in their books, and by breaking their covenant with him and supporting his enemies, and many of their other hideous habits. They treated their prophets with no respect whatsoever. Their disbelief and rejection of the Message of Allah with utmost arrogance was the true nature of the Jews. They killed many prophets such as 

Zakariya (pbuh) and his son Yahya (pbuh). They also wanted to kill Isa (pbuh), but Allah elevated him before they could burn him. That is why no deviant nation has been cursed by Allah more than that of the Children of Israel.

As a retaliation for the utter disobedience to the Commandments of Allah and His prophets, over time they suffered many calamities as a result of this disobedience. Plague broke out and numerous people died miserably. In spite of all the past, the Jews could still have obtained God's forgiveness if they had not obstinately rejected the greatest of the Prophet also. But as they persisted in their sins, God's punishments also continued to visit them.
(source: A.Yousuf Ali, commentary of the Qur'an)
Prophet Muhammad (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) gave us a simple formula to be the best:

"The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it." [Bukhari : Book 6 : Volume 61 : Hadith 545]

So go ahead, learn and teach the Qur'an, and make yourself among the best of Muslims, Insha'Allah. ♥
๑۩๑ Message For The Youth ๑۩๑

Don’t Break the Trust of your Parents On The Name of Love. Tell them if you like some one. If they say No then it’s better for you. Because they have more experience than us. You can try to convince them but not force them.

History of Islam


Click here to read the Chronology of Islam From
6th Century (500-599) C.E.
20th Century (1900-1992) C.E.


Saturday 11 August 2012

Essential Du'as / Supplications 
Extracted from Al Hisnul Hasin by Allamah Muhammed Al-Jazri (RA)
English rendering by Maulana Muhammad Rafeeq Hathurani
Posted on the 'net and transliteration by www.Islam.tc
Greeting another Muslim
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As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Translation: May the peace of Allah descend upon you and His Mercy and Blessings.

When salaam is conveyed (when some conveys salam to you on another's behalf).
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Alayka wa alay-his salaamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Translation: Upon you and upon him be the peace of Allah, His mercy and blessings.

Before a meal
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Bismillahi wa 'ala baraka-tillah.
Translation: With Allah's name and uon the blessings granted by Allah (do we eat).

After having a meal
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Alham do lillah hilla-thee At Amana wa saquana waja 'alana minal Muslimeen.
Translation: All praise is due to Allah who gave us food and drink and who made us Muslims.

Dua for ZamZam (Holy Water)
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Allah humma Innee As alooka 'ilman naa fee-ow wa Rizq-ow waa See-ow wa Shee-faa amm min Kooll-lee daa-een.
Translation:  O Allah, I ask You to grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and cure from all diseases.

Before wudhu (ablution)
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Allahumma-gh fir-lee dhan-bee wawass si'lee fi dari wa bariklee fi rizq.
Translation: O Allah Forgive my sins, make my home accommodating and grant me abundance in my livelihood.

After wudhu
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Allahummaj 'al-ni minat-tow-wa beena waj-alni minal muta-tah-hireen.
Translation: I testify that there is no deity except Allah; He is One and has no partner.  And I testify that Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is His servant and apostle.

When entering the masjid (mosque)
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A'uthu bil-Lahil 'atheemi wa biwajhi-hil kareemi wasultaani-hil qadeemi minash-shaytaanir rajeem.
Translation: I seek protection from Allah, The Sublime, and I seek the protection of His Merciful Self and of His Eternal Kingdom against the accursed devil.

After sneezing
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Alhamdulillah! (right graphic) / Alhamdu lillahi 'ala kull-lee ha-leen (left graphic).
Translation: Thanks and all praise be to Allah (or) Thanks and all praise be to Allah under all conditions.

Reply to someone who sneezes
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Yar Hamoo kall Lah.
Translation: May Allah have mercy on you.

When a Non-Muslim sneezes
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Yahdee Kumullahu wa Yaslih Ba Lakoom.
Translation: May Allah give you guidance and make your children pious.

"[They should be] chaste, neither [of] those who commit unlawful intercourse randomly nor those who take [secret] lovers !!"
Quran 4:25

How exclusively Allah mentions the fact about people keeping "secret lovers" !!!

So here my people the Bf-Gf or any kinda relationship between a boy n a gal is condemned by Allah..

Islam rather encourages "halal" steps i.e. early marriage.

May Allah save us all from this fitnah of Shaytan and help our brothers and sisters already in this trap.
Pls join Nikhat Vaid-Mohamedy and TEAM for a New Muslim Care - Iftaar with your family & friends for solidarity with our convert sisters & brothers, do come & share the sweetness of Eeman, offer solace & learn from their stories of transformation.
On SUN 12-August 2012 at MM Madinah, Goregaon (W), See you @ 6pm, InshAllah

Complete Address:
370-2971 Motilal Nagar No.2,
Goregaon, India 400 090
Neighborhood:Chota Masjid Lining Road
AlKauthar Institute now operates on average one seminar per week across the world.
Now operating in 5 continents; 7 countries and 17 cities!
Difference between Mumin and Muslim as per QURAN

We see today 1 billion muslims around the world.
Islam is the world's fastest growing religion and this time lets understand what ALLAH wants us to be A Muslim or Mumin!

Lets try to understand the difference:

Muslim: Who accepts Islam as religion

Mumin: Who has faith on Islam

In Islam the key term of religious identity is not Islam but Emaan (faith)

SURAH -AL-HUJRAT(49) 14-18
"Amr bin Al-Aas (Radi Allahu Anhu)
was crying in his final moments.
His son said, “My father, you
were never afraid that
something would happen to you
except that you would have patience”. Amr said, “3 things
are happening to your father
right now; his deeds are being
cut off, he’s afraid of what’s
coming after death, and he’s
leaving the loved ones in the dunya (this is the easiest). O Allah
you ordered me but I was slow in
accepting your orders and you
forbade me from doing some
things and I disobeyed. O Allah
one of your attributes is Al- ‘afuw (The Pardoning, The
Forgiving), so please grant me your ‘Afw."
Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) ascended the minbar and said:
“Ameen, ameen,
ameen.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of
Allaah, you ascended the minbar and said,
‘Ameen, ameen,
ameen.” He said:
“Jibreel (peace be upon him) came to me and said: ‘If
Ramadaan comes and a person is not
forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allaah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘
O Muhammad, if both or one of a person’s parents are alive and he does not honour
them and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allaah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘If you are mentioned
in a person’s
presence and he does not send blessings upon you and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allaah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen.”

Narrated by Ibn
Hibbaan, 3/188;
classed as saheeh by al-Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1679.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Meem Wa Salaat (Meem and the Prayer).pdf
A limited number of AYN AL MIFTAH copies are available FREE to anyone who is interested but cannot afford to buy it. Emails are welcome from anyone from the African, Asian and Far East countries. Please state in your email your country of residence where you would like the book to be sent along with one or two lines as to why you would like a copy of Ayn Al Miftah.
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