- Stories mentioned in the Qur'an of their prophets
"We gave him Isaac, and Jacob: all We guided
and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny David, Solomon, Ayub,
Joseph, Moses, and Aaron :Thus do We reward those who do good. And Zakariya
and Yahya, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of righteous. And Isma'il and
Elisha and Jonah (Yunus) and Lut. And to all we gave favour above the nations."
<Qur'an An'am 6:84-86>
The Qur'an contains many stories of the prophets sent to Bani Israel. We can
read about the story of the rise of Daud (pbuh), who was the King of the Israelites
, particularly of Saul's fight with Goliath (jalut) and Goliath's death at the
hands of Daud (pbuh).The war broke out between the Israelites and the Philistines.
The army of the Philistines was commanded by Goliath who was a man of lofty
stature. The Israelites were overawed to see Goliath's army which was well accoutred.
Daud (pbuh) called out his opponents to combat but none of the Israelites had
the courage to accept the challenge.
The people of Bani Israel had no courage,
and the Prophet Daud could not bear this disgrace. So he decided to face Goliath
for the sake of truth, honour and dignity. His story reveals that justice is
an essential part of faith and, further, that God loves the just and abhors
the unjust.
Also we know that Daud's yougest son, Prophet Sulaimán (pbuh) was a
wise King. His efforts to first subdue the powerful Queen of Sheba and later
to persuade her to take the right path also find a place in the Qur'an.
Similarly, the story of Zakariya (pbuh) and his son Yahya (John the Baptist)
(pbuh) , and their unbounded faith in God and His Mercy. Zakariya (pbuh) was
an illustrious prophet of the Israelites. He was one of the descendants of Prophet
Sulaiman (pbuh). His people was so corrupted that he was desirous of having
a son to become his good successor, in order to maintain the warmth of religious
activities. His teaching had not only been ignored by the people of Bani Israel,
but they also tortured him. The Holy Book mentions the cruel acts of Bani Israel
saying : "Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations
of Allah and slay the Prophets wrongfully and slay those of mankind who enjoin
equity, promise him a painful doom."
<Qur'an Al-Imran 3:21>
<Qur'an Al-Imran 3:21>
The story of Musa (pbuh) when he went to the mountain, is an other example.The
Prophet Musa (pbuh) was much grieved to know that his followers had become addicted
to praying to the cow instead of Allah. Whenever his brother Prophet Harun (pbuh)
forbade them to do so, they made fun of him, and tortured him. Musa (pbuh) tried
hard to uproot this form of idolatry from the hearts of the Israelites. Some
men who had gone astray, repented but most of them insisted on worshipping a
Musa (pbuh) said to his people: "Surely, Allah
commands you that you should sacrifice a cow." <Qur'an Baqara 2: 71>
Gifted with patience, he kept on conveying to the people the message of God
to his people.
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