Tuesday 24 July 2012

Make This Ramadan Your Best Ramadan Ever

A short list to help us make this our best Ramadan EVER!

  • Strengthen your faith during this month by confirming your belief in the unity of God.
  • Have the intention of pleasing God with all your acts of worship.
  • Keep away from the things that nullify your faith.
  • Follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
  • Feed the poor and the needy. Feel the gift of giving in Ramadan.
  • Before going out for `Eid prayer, make sure to pay Zakat al-Fitr.
  • Perform the daily prayers at their fixed times and in congregation as much as you can. Attend the Tarawih prayers constantly and perform extra prayers. Rediscover the power of prayer in Ramadan and concentrate much while praying. Leave this worldly life behind your back once you raise your hands and say Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest).
  • Visit your family members and relatives.
  • Observe i`tikaf (retreat in the mosque) during the last ten days of Ramadan, if you can.
  • Make the Quran your companion in Ramadan and have the intention to finish reading it at least once.
  • Have the intention to offer sincere repentance to Allah.
  • Have the intention to refine your manners and the way you treat others.
  • Make any dawah effort during Ramadan if you can, like distributing Ramadan-related dawah materials (CDs, booklets, videos, PDF files, etc.).
  • If you have the financial means, make iftar for new Muslims in your community to help them integrate with their fellow Muslims. You can also invite non-Muslims to such events to get to know them and introduce Islam to them through fasting.
  • Make iftar meals and gifts for orphans and marginalized children to make Ramadan a happy occasion for them.
  • Prepare your du`a (supplication) list. Write down the du`a (supplication) that you want to recite throughout the month. You can ask Allah for anything and everything. Choose the proper times and occasions of offering the du`a. The best supplication is during prostration, while offering the late night prayer, in the last days of Ramadan, and during Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power). Prioritize your list of supplications. Observe the etiquette of making supplication. Start your supplication with praising Allah and sending peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Face the qiblah (direction) and raise your hands. Be sure that Allah will never let your hands empty when you pray to Him. Do not forget the oppressed people, the people of Syria, and Muslims in Burma (Myanmar).
We pray to Allah to allow us to live till next Ramadan, and make it the best Ramadan ever. Ameen

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