Wednesday 25 July 2012

I ( ♥ )love Hijab because..
by Ayesha Fathima on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 at 20:49 ·
 Subhan'allah I asked my beautiful Sisters why they ( ♥ )love their Hijab and with no right or wrong answer, below are a few reasons why, FEEL FREE TO SHARE ♥
 I ( ♥ )love Hijab because..
 People recognize me as a muslim...
I feel secure in a hijab..=)
 it's my firewall :)
 It makes me feel protected...feels like there is some shield around! :)
 People see me for my mind/personality/intellect and not my body
 it raises the status of a woman ( ♥ )love
 because...Allah loves it too!
 I know i am obeying my Creator. coz i love Allah
 It gives me self respect and shows the world that I am proud to be a Muslim.
 Because Allah my Rabb, the ultimate creator commanded me to wear!! Alhamdulillah since the Creator knows what is best for His creation. ( ♥ )love
 i can have a bad hair day and no1 need know!! lol
 i feel secure,it gives me confidence too,& enhance my beauty :) I feel secure :)
 Firstly coz it is something which is orderded by Allah SWT.. So how could I as a muslim disobey The Almighty.. Just wearing a hijab brings me closer to Allah SWT.. 2ndly coz it gives me self respect
 it comforts me, it hides the best of me from people who dont deserve to see it ( ♥ )love
 it makes me feel I am doing the right thing
 Was thinkin the exact same thing aaisha ^^
 because it's natural (fitra), and without it, something is missing. I love it bcz it enhances my beauty (yes i'm beautiful ^^)
 Whenever I wear my hijab, I feel like a princess with my flowing scarf blowing in the breeze.
 It shows tht i fear n obey ALLAH(SWT)..
 I feel free wearing my hijaab ^_^
 i fear allah and want to obey his commands.. from hijbab to everything inshaAllah!!!
 I love Allah and its his commandment for a women to be covered..
 Because it's secures my chastity and modesty
 I fear allah anddddd I GET SALAMS :D
 Externally, makes me feel like a princess, gives me elegance and respect from people. Internaly I feel in peace with God and I know I'm going the right thing....
 It just my protection and confidence. I will be a dead body wiz out a soul thats z reason.and its allah(swt) ordered for me hijab is my modsety and my choose

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