Monday 30 July 2012

 How to perform Salat (Namaz) with Arabic Audio 

Warning: Arabic text written on this page is for your convinence only and not to teach you Arabic. It is your responsiblity to learn Arabic Tajveed properly from a local Alim. Remember you cannot learn proper Arabic Tajveed from internet or with help of any software, persense of an authentic teacher is a MUST. You must learn how to distinguish between similar sounding Arabic letters.
Click on bold Arabic text to listen or download. Audio files are in MP3 format.
Note 1: Sisters must read our "Difference between Men's and Women's Salah" article to make adjustments in their Salah as there is some differences in Salah between Men and Women. 

Note 2: When you are asked to 'Say' or 'Recite' or 'Read' in the directions. The sound must not be loud and at the same time not totally silent. It should be loud enough just for your ears to hear it and not so loud that a person next to you would be able to hear your recitation clearly. If a person next to you could hear only a mimic from you, that's fine. If you are surrounded by noise such as a fan's noise and you are not able to understand your recitation, it is okay. In an utmost quite room you should be able to understand your recitation. In any case must say it lound enough as mentioned above.

Note 3: The reason we will be asking you to 'wait a little' through out the directions is to separate the Arabic qirat so that the meaning will not change. It is very important.
1) Stand up facing Kabah. It is called Qayam. The space between feet should be about four to five fingers apart, do not stand wide spread like most people do these days.. They should be pointing towards Kabah.
2) Say, "I pray two rakah (or as many required for that time) Fard (if its Fard or say Sunnat if its Sunnat or say Wajib if its Wajib or Say Nafil if its Nafil) for Allah Tala Face towards Kabah". If praying behind Imam add "Behind this Imam". It is called Niyat (Intention).
Note: It is Mustahab (a preferable deed) to say the Niyat. It is also permissible to make Niyat in your heart without saying it, that is good enough.
2) Raise both of your hands next to each ears. Touch the lobes of your each ear with thumbs.Then say "Allah Hoo Akbar"
3) Place the hands on navel right hand on top of left hand. Thumb and Pinky (smallest finger) should be wraped around the wrist of left hand's wrist. It should be like you are locking or grabbing the left hand wrist. Rest of the three fingers of right hand should be strait in line to each other.

5) Then read, "Aaoo Zoo Billahee Minash Shaitaunir Rajeem" Wait a little.

6) Then read, "Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem" Wait a little.

8) Then say, " Ameen". Wait a little.

9) Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Raheem". Wait a little.

10) Then read any surrah from Quran or atleast three Ayats. We are writing you a small one. Read this Surrah, " Wal A'sre Innal Insaana Lafi Khusr illal Lazeena Aamanoo Wa A'milos Sualihaati Wa Tawa Sao Bil Haqqi Wa Tawa Sao Bis Sabr " Wait a little.

11) Then Say "Allah Hoo Akbar" and bow (its called Ruku), hold your knees with your hands. The fingers should be separated with gaps in them. The back should be horizontally strait in line like a board. (Salat images will be available on Oct 1st 2006, Insha Allah)

12) Recite, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" At least three times. Three, five and seven times are Sunnat (Sunnat means what Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him liked to do). Wait a little.

13) Then start to stand up saying, "Samee Allahoo Layman Hamidah - Rabbana Lakal Hamd" Start to say Samee when leaving Rookh (bowing poster) and end with Hameedah when you are fully errect. Wait a little.

14) Now say, "Allah Hoo Akbar"

15) Now go to Sajdah (placing face on ground). In sajdah all the fingers of feet should be twisted so that the round soft part of the fingers is touching the ground. Hand fingers should be close to face and facing Kabah in strait line. Put enough pressure on nose so that the bone of nose should feel the hardness of earth (do not hurt your self but should be firm) Arms should be away from body like a bird opens the wings.

16) Now read, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Aala" at least three times. Three, five and seven times are Sunnat. Wait a little.

17) Now sit down on your left foot (It's called Jalsa) the right foot should be sticking out and all of the foot fingers should be twisted. The soft part of the foot fingers should touch the ground. Sit for the amount of time you could say Subhan Allah at least three times.

18) Now go back to sajadah and perform as you did before Jalsa.

19) After completing second sajdah get up and go back to Qayam (standing up) Saying "Allah Hoo Akbar" Then read , "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Raheem" Wait a little

20) Now again read Soorah Fatiha, "Alhamdo Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen Ar Rahmaanir Raheem Maaliki Yaomid Deen iyya Kana Budo Wa iyyaka Nastaeen ihdinas Sirataul Mustaqeem Siratual Lazeena An Amtaa Alaihim Ghairil Maghdoobe Alaihim Walad Dualeen" Wait a little.

21) Then say, "Ameen" Wait a little.

22) Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Raheem" Wait a little.

23) Then read any surrah from Quran or at least three Ayahs. We are writing you another small one. Soorah Al kausar, "Innaa Aataina Kal Kauser Fasalli Li Rabbi Ka Vanhar Inna Shaaniaka Hooal Abtar". Wait a little and repeat the steps from 11 to 18.

24) This time after second Sajdah do not go back to Qayam (standing up) but go back to Jalsa (sitting) but now it's called Qaidah.
Now read, "Atthayyato Lillahe Wassalawato Wat Tayyebato Assalamu Alaika Ayyohan Nabiyo Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatoh Assalamu Alaina Wa Ala ibadillahis Sualaiheen Ashadu An La ilaah illal Laho Wa Ashadu Anna Mohammadan Abdohoo Wa Rasooluhoo"
Note: When you reach at Ashadu An La raise your index finger of your right hand upward facing about 45 degrees by closing the fist, and drop it back and spread the hand to its original position at illal Laho.
Wait a little.

27) Now turn your head towards right and say, "Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah"
Now turn your head towards left and read the same as above, "Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah"
Salah is complete now.

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