Wednesday 25 July 2012

Ayatul Kursi
The Powers Of Ayatul Kursi 
Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Holy Qur'an which have immense power of Protection from any acts of Evils.
Allahu la ilaha illahu
Al hayyul kayyum
La ta'a kizuhu sinatun wala naum
Lahumma fis samawati wama fil ard
Manzallazi yashfa'u indahu illa bi iznihi
Ya'alamu ma bayna aidihim wama khalfahum
Wala yihiduna bi shayin min ilmihi illa bima sha'a
Wa si'a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ard
Wala ya udhuhu hizbu huma
Wa huwal aliyul azeem
Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrates,"I cannot understand how a person, who is a Muslim, and owner of reason (intellect) can spend the night without reading Ayatul Kursi. If you knew the benefits of it, then you will never discard it under any condition". Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) stated ,"I have been given Aayatul Kursi from the treasures under the Arsh of Allaah and it was not given to anyone before me".
Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) says, "From the time I have heard this, I have never passed a night without reading it".
Abu Huraira (Radiahallahu Anhu) says that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) made me the guardian of the Zakaat of Ramadaan. One thief began to steal from it. I caught him and told him that I am definitely going to take him to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He said,"Leave me, I am destitute and have a family". I (Abu Huraira) left him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked , "What did your prisoner do last night.?" I (Abu Huraira) said, He spoke of his great need and family for which I felt pity on him and left him." Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken a lie and will definitely come again." I (Abu harraira) understood that the (the thief) will definitely come again because Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said so. Thus I kept watch at that same barn. He (the thief) came and began stealing in handfuls. I caught him and threatened to take him to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The thief pleaded with me to leave him as he was needy and had a family and that he will not repeat this. I (Abu Huraiah) felt pity and left him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked him the same question as before and his answer was the same. When the same thing happened for the third time, Abu Hurairah said to the thief,"This is the third time. Each time you say that you will not steal again and each time you steal again." The thief said,"Leave me, and I will teach you such words through which Allaah will benefit you.". I (Abu Huraira) inquired about those words and the thief said,"When you go to your sleeping place, then recite Ayatul Kursi completely. Allaah will stipulate a guardian for you and Shaitaan will not come near you until the morning. I released him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked,"What did your thief do last night?" Abu Hurairah narrated what had transpired. The Sahabah were most enthusiastic to gain virtues. Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken the truth although he is a liar. Oh Abu Huraira, do you know with whom you were talking to for the past three nights." I said "No". Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that it was Satan.
It is mentioned in Kitaabul Dalaalil from Hadhrat Buraidah (Radiahallahu Anhu) that he had wheat (crops). He said, "I sensed that there was a shortage in it. While sitting quietly in the night I saw a female Jinn sitting on the crops . I caught hold of her and said that I will not let her go until I had taken her to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). She said that she had a family and swore on oath that she will not do so again. I released her. I came to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and informed him about this. He said that she was a liar. When the same thing happened on the second night, she (the female jinn) asked me to release her. She said,"I will, in exchange teach you such a duaa that from amongst us none will ever come near your crops. When you retire to your sleeping place then read and blow Ayatul Kursi on your goods. I left her. When I informed Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) about this he said that she had spoken the truth although she was a liar.
38) Hadhrat Abu Huraia (Radiahallahu Anhu) said that Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) stated that whosoever reads "Haa meem al Mu'minoon" upto "al maseer" and Ayatul Kursi in the morning, will be protected until the evening and whoever reads both of these in the night will be protected until the morning.
39) Hadhrat Ibne Abbass (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrated that the Bani Israeel asked Musa(A.S.), "Does your Rabb sleep?" Musa(A.S.) said, "Fear Allaah". Allaah ordered," Oh Musa, your nation has asked you whether your Rabb sleeps? Take two glasses in your hand and stand with it for the whole night." Hadhrat Musa (A.S) did as he was ordered. When on third of the night passed, he fell on his knees but stood up immediately. During the latter part of the night, sleep overcame him and the glasses fell and broke. Allaah Jala Shanahu said, "Oh Musa, if I sleep then the sky will fall on the earth and destroy it just as the two glasses fell from your hands and broke. " Then Allaah Ta'aala revealed unto Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Ayatul Kursi.
 1) Recite while leaving house, 70000 angels protect U from all sides.
2) Recite while entering home, poverty won't enter UR home.
3) Recite after Wuzu, it raises Ur stutu 70 times.
4) Recite before sleeping, 1 angel protect u whole night.
5) Recite after Farz Namaz, the distance between U n Jannat will be death only pass this on, it's a Sadga-a-jaria.
( U will keep on getting reward on it Everytime someone acts upon even when U have died up to the day of Judgements)

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